Products and service

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Products and service

Programs of renowned foreign suppliers are represented through direct import, distribution as well as agency

Offer includes a wide range of imported medicines, health supplements, dietary supplements and cosmetics

Anik-Atik ltd is able to provide high-quality and continued supply to its clients and to react rapidly to request and changes on the market

Additionally, Anik-Atik ltd is able to offer detailed information concerning new products to its buyers, as well as to provide delivery of promotional and informational material intended for informing patients along with the products

Quality of supply is contributed by adequately equipped storage room with provided controlled temperature conditions of storage

Simultaneously with development on the market, employees in Anik-Atik ltd improve organization and quality of operation on daily basis

Our employees have all the conditions to demonstrate their independence, creativity at work and high level of responsibility in the team work environment. We continually provide education for employees

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We provide training for employees continuously

Anik-Atik ltd offers the possibility of agency and mediation regarding registration and placement of products

In August 2016, the quality management system of Anik-Atik ltd was evaluated and certified according to the requests of standard ISO 9001:2008 by the national certification house ICS